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Recently Uploaded Mods
Standalone map!
Traffic mod included
To change the traffic density use the console command g_traffic command
(0.1 10)
**DLCs required**
Going East
Black Sea
A6: expanded (east) -> expanded to exit of Crailsheim with new exits,
cities and industrial zones
A81: expanded (north) -> expanded to Osterburken
A81: Neuenstadt to Mckmhl reworked and added realistic restplaces
A81: Untergruppenbach to Ilsfeld > complete rebuild
New City Bad Rappenau with connection Road added
A6: Cross Weinsberg to Bretzfeld -> complete rebuild
A6: Cross Weinsberg to HN/Zentrum / Neckarsulm reworked
A6: Roadwork from Cross Weinsberg to Bad Rappenau is now expanded and up to
date like RL. Also some parts have been reworked
A6: Roadwork of the new Neckartal Bridge updated (Heilbronn to Neckarsulm)
A6: Restplace Neckarsulm to Kreuz Weinsberg removed (Roadwork in RL)
A6: Rastplatz Hohenlohe -> complete reworked (now its like rl)
New Autobahn Sightseeing signs added (thanks to Dan89)
Entrace/Exit of the Industrial Area in HN-Neckargartach reworked
bugs fixed
Full update for v1.37
 Live Report of RMP: HEILBRONN 1:1 V...
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