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Contains trucks with 42, 64 and 84 chassis.
Contains trucks for left and right hand drive.
-730 HP on all trucks
-6 speed GA867 R transmission for 42 and 64 chassis
-12+2 GRSO 925R transmission for 84 chassis
-Scania Griffin Special Paint for 42 and 64 (colors can be changed ingame)
-Tribal Griffin Dark Metallic paint for 84 (colors can be changed ingame)
-Green headlights
-DLCS necessary
-Special Transport
-FH Tuning Pack
-Michelin Fan Pack
-XF Tuning Pack
-Actros Tuning Pack
-Mighty Griffin
-Cabin Accessories (magical spiral, shepheard bobblehead)
-Space Paintjob (for the spaceman bobblehead)
-Wheel Tuning Pack
 Live Report of SCANIA R Black Editi...
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