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Mini-map at the top, in the center, when switching to F3, one click is a map, the second click
is not;
messages on F6, F7 and F8 at the bottom, in the center, if the minimap is turned on, when these
messages appear, it does not turn off (but the track location display is not updated);
info line below, in the center;
creeping line right-bottom, on the edge of the screen. Light green color;
the window about weight control has shifted to the right, down, over the running line (ATS);
Some explanations of the abbreviation in the file name (which means):
Center Bottom map below,
Center Top top map,
Right Edge right edge card,
Right Top top right map,
GSM small card
ONM average,
SBM big
1LTB 1 line of text below,
1LTT 1 line of text on top,
3LTB 3 lines of text below,
3LTT 3 lines of text above.
NF without frame
WF with frame,
MBB card on a black background,
MCB card on a transparent background,
TBB text on a black background,
TCB text on a transparent background.
 Live Report of Route Advisor Mod Co...
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