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This is a minor map for for ProMods 2.46 which changes/adds roads in and around Riga.
More detailed information can be found on this thread:
Changelog for official release 1.1
Subtle bug fixes
Small performance improvements for J?rmala
Added missing signage
Changelog for version 1.0 beta
Added city of J?rmala and placed some companies into the map
Added P98 road with new intersections
Improved signage
Minor bug fixes
WARNING! This mod requires ProMods 2.46 to work!
[NOTE: republishing this mod on other sites is NOT encouraged, however, it is known that this will
eventually happen, so please, use the official Sharemods link that is provided here and on the forum!
Also, please use a better description!]
 Live Report of RIGA METRO AREA REBU...
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