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Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings
This time I will share the Project Imagination Map Euro Trucks Simulator 2 map.
- This mod runs on version 1.35 Full DLC (I haven't tried another version, but maybe you can try it first: b, but remember, full DLC is mandatory!)
- I recommend using the No Damage mod and using a config that can use camera 0 (just in case if you hit or roll over)
- This folder is light, of course, but it only contains forests: v
- Available jobs in all cities (total only 8 this time)
- Must start in the city (Cianjur, Bandung) to avoid force close, because there are several places where I forgot to save the cutscene
- sorry if there are errors in the map, especially such as terrain with holes: 3
- The names of the cities of Cianjur and Bandung are for test purposes only, so don't mark these cities in the map: "v
- there is no dlc special transport yet
- If the company fence is closed, please just teleport hehe
The rest is in readme, Enjoy the map: b, awaited the screenshot
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