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Recently Uploaded Mods
Definitions of 62 and 64 chassis changed with height and approximate values to the Brazilian model (weight and spring work).
Definitions of engines updated to the same factory (based on the technical specifications of the truck).
Refurbished halogen headlights.
Board computer with more real colors than real life.
Fenders of the DAF Euro 6 that are used in the Brazilian DAF.
Standard and exclusive interior with original SCS options and reworked details for the Brazilian version.
Cabins space without air deflector, space with air deflector and superspace with air deflector (I did not notice any superspace booth in Brazil leaving the factory without air deflector).
Inserted ANTT adhesive in the cabins.
Kriechbaum Sound (DAF XF Version 2.0)
Maxiclima Slim air conditioner with standard plastic tank and black ladder (only for space version with or without air deflector).
Round tanks: large of 520 liters and small of 200 liters (two other options soon ).
The mod replaces the original game DAF XF 105, however versions 42, 62 / 64 short and 64 / 2 remain original.
 Live Report of DAF XF 105 62/64 B...
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