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Recently Uploaded Mods
1. city Poissy (F) (outside city of Paris)
company car_service
company Leclerce
company lisette_log
company voitureux
company tree-et
company maxilla
company train transport
2. city Paris (F)
company Fastrans
new place for garage
3. Newcastle (UK)
company Aria food farm
4. new look on road a696 and a68 in UK from Newcastle to Edinburgh (UK)
5. new big cross in front of Edinburgh (UK)
6. new look on road m8 UK, form Edinburgh to Glasgow (UK)
7. new look on road a4 from Liege (B) to Luxembourg (L)
8. new crosses on road a4 in Belgium
9. new city look Liege (B)
south part
west part
10. new crosses to city Liege (B)
11. overlook on highway from Liege (B) to Bruxelles (B) e19
12. new look on road near Linz (A) from highway A1 to Praha (CZ)
13. new cross in front of Poznan (PL)
14. new look all roads in Poznan (PL)
15. new look all roads close around Poznan city (PL)
16. fixed some small problems on map bugs,mistakes, etc.
17. new look on normal road from Wroclaw to Poznan (PL)
18. new look on road from Poznan (PL) to north
19. new look of small village Mrowino (PL)
20. finished new cross in front of Poznan (PL) on A2
21. new road look from Poznan to Bydgoszcz (PL)
22. Poznan (PL)
aldi on new location
recruit center on new location
23. overlook all city garages because of new trailer system
24. Hannover (D)
new roads from SCS map
overlooked that place and rebuilded
25. new road look from Hannover (D) to Osnabruck (D)
26. new cross on highway nbr, A2 in Germny, near Osnabruck (D)
27. overlook Berlin (D)
company Gradis
28. new look roads in Berlin (D) added from SCS map
29. new look roads around Berlin (D) and in all direction from Berlin (D) highway roundabout around the city
30. new crosses around Berlin (D) added from SCS map
31. city Osnabruck (D)
new look
roads around city new look
32. new cross on direction Osnabruck (D) Hannover (D)
connection on highway A2
33. new parts of highways around Osnabruck (D)
34. Bremen (D)
new part of roads around city
all old companies for that city are back in game
connection to Groningen (NL) is fixed
roads around city are connected
35. new look city Munchen (D)
new road look around city
new bridges on that roads
36. new highway from border with Austria (Salzburg) to Munchen (D)
37. new gas station on that highway from Salzburg to Munchen (D) D -A1
38. new crosses on highway from Salzburg to Munchen (D) D -A1
39. new high with croses from border Austria to direction Nurnberg (D)
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