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Recently Uploaded Mods
*Arac? editlemek kesinlikle yasakt?r
*SCS ve PMD k?rmak kesinlikle yasakt?r
*Arac?n zellikleri:
-Aktif animasyonlar
-Metalik ve normal renk
-HQ Model
-Ao Render
-Gerek Motor sesi
*Bilinmesi gerekenler
-Ara her galeride ?kar.
-1.31.x ve 1.32x srmnde denenmi?tir.
*Arata eme?i geenler:
-Berkay Pekesen
-Hseyin Be?parmak
*Editing the tool is strictly prohibited
*Breaking SCS and PMD is strictly prohibited
*Vehicle features
-Active animations
-Metalic and normal color
-HQ Model
-Ao Render
-Real Engine sound
* Things to know
-The car comes out in every gallery.
-Tested in 1.31x and 1.32x versions
-Berkay Pekesen
-Hseyin Be?parmak
 Live Report of BMW 320I E30 + Inter...
Source Google Translate.
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