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Includes chassis [42 (normal, lowered), 62 (normal, lowered),
64 (normal, lowered, high [E]), 66 (high [E]), 84
Normal cabin and topline
Motors 360-450
Transmissions (8,9,12,10,16 speeds)
Independent interior (white, black) independent sound and V8 sound
Steering Wheels (series 2 and 3 series) (white, black)
Miscellaneous accessories (tanks, exhausts, fender, oversize kit [E], etc.)
Tires and Rims for scania
New Changes:
-Fix cables 1.32.x
-Add new color interior and steering wheel
-Realocate Rear Exhausts
-Fix interior truckpaint
-Fix exterior look interior colors
-Not works in previous versions
-Include DLC toys and flags activation mods
-Works on beta but is not guaraanted to work in future updates.
Due to changes in the structure, one or more missing accessory errors may occur.
To correct the sale of the truck and buy again;
Or do the following:
-Activate the game console
-Type the following code: g_remove_missing_accessories 1
Manually load the last autoguarded activated the box to show autoguardados,
being very careful when loading can lose progress if you do not load the correct file,
it would be more advisable to save the game manually and reload.
-After typing g_remove_missing_accessories 0 on the console if desired.
-The error should disappear, after that buy the missing accessories.
-If you still have errors please buy the truck again
Original model Alam Ferreira , Alves Ferreira, Wagner, Tonho;
Previous arrangements: Matias Juan Laghezza,
Tires: Ventyres,
5-point rims: Lexan,
112 sound: tincho,
Towers and 84 kit: RJL,
V8 sound: Bennekeben;
Edition and arrangements: mjtemdark
 Live Report of Scania 2 Series edit...
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