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Recently Uploaded Mods
#Supported version of mod / games
R4/ 1.32.x
#What is this mod?
-This mod adds:
All trucks 750 HP,
Changed gearbox on all trucks.
#How to apply this mod?
-Just subscribe this mod then restart the game.
#Does this mod work in ETS2MP?
-Yes, it works!!!
#How to use it in multiplayer?
1.Run ETS 2 in offline mode & Enable the Mod
2.Visit any Truck Dealer
3.Buy any truck
4.Save & Exit
Then Login to Multiplayer mode and continue game.
If it shows Missing mod.., just click Continue without mod and drive.
WARNING: Do not change your engine and gearbox. Otherwise, the engine and gearbox will not work
Thank you for using my mod!
 Live Report of 750 HP Engine for al...
Source Google Translate.
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