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Version Note
Compatible Beyond the Baltic DLC
-7 country, connected to Europe map.(Turkey,North Cyprus Turkish Republic,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Croatia,Georgia and Serbia).
-61 cities from Turkey.
-2 cities from North Cyprus Turkish Republic.
-2 cities from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
-1 city from Bulgaria.
-2 cities from Croatia.
-2 cities from Georgia.
-2 cities from Serbia.
-Kap?kule and Sarp border crossing from Turkey.
-amac border crossing from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
-Kapitan Andreevo and Kalotina border crossing from Bulgaria.
-Bajakovo border crossing from Croatia.
-Gradina and Batrovci border crossing from Serbia.
-80% of models from Turkey are belong to us.
Installation instructions:
1.Extract this downloaded file;
2.Put the scs file on ets2 mod folder;
3.Activate mod on your mod mananger
Good Game
Versiyon Notu;
Beyond the Baltic DLC Uyumlu hale getirimi?tir.
-Avrupa Haritas?na Ba?lanm?? 7 Yeni lke(Trkiye,KKTC,Bosna Hersek,Bulgaristan,H?rvatistan,Grcistan Ve S?rbistan) Bulunmaktad?r.
-Trkiyede 61 Adet ?ehir Bulunmaktad?r.
-KKTCde 2 Adet ?ehir Bulunmaktad?r.
-Bosna Hersekde 2 Adet ?ehir Bulunmaktad?r.
-Bulgaristanda 1 Adet ?ehir Bulunmaktad?r.
-H?rvatistanda 2 Adet ?ehir Bulunmaktad?r.
-Grcistanda 2 Adet ?ehir Bulunmaktad?r.
-S?rbistanda da 2 Adet ?ehir Bulunmaktad?r.
-Trkiyeden Kap?kule S?n?r Kap?s? Ve Sarp S?n?r Kap?s?
-Bosna Hersekden amac S?n?r Kap?s?
-Bulgaristandan Kapitan Andreevo S?n?r Kap?s? Ve Kalotina S?n?r Kap?s?
-H?rvatistandan Bajakovo S?n?r Kap?s? Eklenmi?tir.
-S?rbistandan Gradina S?n?r Kap?s? Ve Batrovci S?n?r Kap?s?
-Trkiyede %80 Kendi Modellerimiz Kullan?lm??t?r.
Required DLC:
Going East
Vive La France
Beyond the Baltic Sea
 Live Report of YKS TEAM EU TURKEY M...
Source Google Translate.
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