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Update the original mod from Hemil
Adapted for ETS2 and ATS 1.33
No more changes were made.
Some explanations of the abbreviation in the file name (which means):
Center Bottom map below,
Center Top the map above,
Right Edge right edge card,
Right Top top right map,
GSM small map,
ONM average,
SBM big
1LTB 1 line of text below,
1LTT 1 line of text on top,
3LTB 3 lines of text below,
3LTT 3 lines of text above.
NF without frame
WF with frame
MBB card on a black background,
MCB card on a transparent background,
TBB text on a black background,
TCB text on a transparent background
Test on version 1.33.x ETS2 and ATS
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