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Dear TSM fans,
after many busy weeks we finally made it. The new TSM is ready and available now for your trucking pleasure.
Please note that it only supports Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.34.X.
To be able to play it, you need to have every current map DLC including the new Beyond the Baltic sea extension.
The most time consuming work was fixing the critical gas station issue, but we also fixed some more bugs and included three new cities.
These are Orlans in France as well as Hoppegarten and Vogelsdorf in Germany.
We hope youll have as much fun discovering the new areas as we had creating them. Happy trucking!
Your TruckSim-Map team
To continue using TruckSim-Map (TSM), you need for version 1.34 and newer the DLC Going East!,
Scandinavia, Vive la France !, Italia und Beyond the Baltic Sea!
Changes in version 1.34:
Adaptions for game version 1.34
Some bugs fixed
New city in France: Orlans
New cities in Germany: Hoppegarten, Vogelsdorf
In order to play this map version, the game version 1.34.X is mandatory!
Older and newer game versions are not compatible.
The TruckSim-Map should have the lowest priority in the mod manager!
Before installation, you should finish or cancel your running delivery.
Then disable the old mod files, enable the new mod files and delete the old mod files from your mod folder.
Our mod is splitted in six parts.
These six parts are shown in the game.log.txt as 1.34.
Compared to prior versions there are changes in all six parts,
so you need to replace all of them!
Mods by the TruckSim-Map team are subject to the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Further permissions can be requested from the TruckSim-Map team.
 Live Report of TSM MAP 1.34...
Source Google Translate.
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