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This is a simple mod to boost money and level quickly and easily. I originally created it to be
used with new profiles for development, testing or similar purposes, but it can of course be used
with any profile, at any time and for any purpose. Perhaps youve lost an earlier high-level profile
and dont feel like grinding through the low levels all over again?
How it works:
Minimal driver salary (quick jobs) and fixed revenue (freight market jobs) are set to 10,000,000.
Manual parking bonuses are set to 140,500 XP, the amount required for level 36, which unlocks the last skill point.
Penalties for damaged cargo and abandoned jobs are eliminated.
Activate with highest priority, finish any one job with manual parking, save and deactivate.
Please note: Using this mod may unlock certain achievements which are meant to be a challenge.
The mod currently includes versions compatible with game versions 1.27.x to 1.34.x .
If you happen to find errors, Id be happy for a report in the comments
Constructive criticism, suggestions and ideas are welcome, too, as are any questions.
I hope you find this mod useful. Happy trucking!
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