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The modification allows you to purchase the property of the trailers from the DLC Schwarzmuller.
You can only buy in a single-player game, modify and repair it already in Truckers MP.
located in the Trailer Manager,in Truckers MP name Caravan.
-Trailers are registered in a separate dealer Schwarzmuller.
-Trailers types: reefer,curtain,tank and others trailers,allow to paint in any custom color.
-Trailers support changing wheel accessories, except for: Low Bed trailer,.
-In trailers, you can load the game cargo from the Cargo Market.
-Work in Trucker MP!
1. Press the key Subscribe;
2. Go into the game and connect the mod in the profile (Manager of modifications);
3. Go to the Trailer Dealer;
4. Select your trailer;
4.1. Modify trailer
5.1.Go to Truckers MP.
 Live Report of Schwarzmuller in own...
Source Google Translate.
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