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Mass: 37850kg (almost 38t).
Big gear
Diameter: 5.5m (radius 2.75m).
Mass: 25t.
Small gear
Diameter: 2.7m (radius 1.35m).
Mass: 12t.
Trailer CANT use the Ferry and some low roof gas stations!
The collision box is set to 5.5m height for that reason drive with caution and keep under your eyes a lower objects
NOTE1: Maybe you need to rest several times
before you can see the 5.5m Gear in jobs list.
NOTE2: You can find the trailer in game trailers reviews:
section: Semi Lowloader with Drop Deck
cargo: 5.5m Gear
Trailer is standalone.
Normal cargo jobs.
 Live Report of Trailer 5.5m Gear...
Source Google Translate.
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