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Changes v1.5.3:
added compatibility for ETS2 1.31.*
added support for trailer cables
added 3300mm chassis
removed compatibility for ETS2 versions below 1.27.*
New Actros & Arocs SLT as seperate vehicles
Two 84 chassis in 3300 & 3900mm length for Actros
Bigspace in 2500mm width for both vehicles
Gigaspace in 2500mm width for Actros
Front bumpers selectable (orignal, SLT)
Rear fenders selectable (original, tearplate in 2 variants)
Badges removable
Front grill selectable (plastic, paint)
Sides/front fenders selectable (plastic, paint)
Towing hitch selectable (without, straight, tilted)
Set of heavy cargo plates/signs
License plates selectable (different positions, texture & generated by the game)
Customizable light plates in large & medium size for both vehicles
Roofbars, new transmission, skins, and more
 Live Report of BIG STARS ACTROS /...
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