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First off, this mod has [REL] status, but also [WIP] status, so what does this mean, it can be buggy,
some loads doesent have visible loads etc. And with that said, lets move on to the saucy content.
Finally ready to make a post about this mod i have been cooking for a while.
As the title says its a Flatbed addon for Tandem and Ekeri by @Kast
Thought it actually supports more tandem addons then just Kasts addon for RJL,
it supports @Siperia s tandem addon for Next Gen, also the Next Gen P cab by @Bruno_G.
Or maybe you want a Flatbed for the 5/6 series P cab by @Wolfi and @Nazgl, yep, got that too.
It also adds a Flatbed for Kasts Ekeri Semitrailers and Tandem trailers.
New Version 1.05:
Added and fixed some cargo defs, now all the base cargos should work.
The cargo wich gets added by Krone DLC doesent work yet.
Also a small suprise for the Jumbo.
Flatbed addon by Lunna:
RJL Scania Tandem addon by Kast:
Ekeri Trailers by Kast:
Ekeri Trailers Tandem addon by Kast:
Works with most trucks that uses the same system off tandem addon as Kasts ones,
also its working for 1.35
@Lunna Addon
@Kast Tandem Addon and Ekeri Trailers + some small tips
@Smaen Def fixes and late night help
@Rinzler Def fixes and just all around help, also gave me the idea from the beggingin.
SCS Everything that regards the flatbed model
 Live Report of Lunnas Flatbed Addo...
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