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Recently Uploaded Mods
Change bank loans,
Increased maximum credit balance with few stages (default 2) depending from our level.
Maxiumum credit balance is 950 k euro after reaching Level 25,
Garage prices now are more acceptable,
Fuel discount in garage increased from 15 % to 20 %,
Now you can buy online trucks after you have three trucks,
Revenue per km increased by 5 euro,
Truck refund increased by 10 %,
Average speed increased to 73 km/h,
Now you must sleep 100 minutes less than before,<
Assistance service costed 25% less and service working faster,
Drivers revenue slightly increased,
Maintenance cost less and driver hire cost 500 euro less,
Cargo market revenue are more attractive,
Reward cash for skills slightly increased,
Experiance grow faster by 15% during cargo delivery and 10 XP/100 km more for free roam,
ADR experiance bonus increased,
More XP for medium and hard parking spot,
All fines now costed less,
All FIVE map DLC and with Special Transport and Heavy Cargo DLCs without any problem
ProMods and RusMap are also active
 Live Report of EASIER STARTING MOD ...
Source Google Translate.
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