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Recently Uploaded Mods
These modes are done by driving of the truck in a game to more realistic.
Before beginning to play after activation of spendthrifts:
In settings of a game to switch-off the swinging camera, and to leave amplitude
of swinging in situation by default.
1. Smoothly advance, without sharp set of speed.
2. Turns in the right left without sharp brozk
3. Resistance of wind and frictional force are reduced, than the track setup at
any speeds is increased.
4. Considerably the brake way increased, it is better to observe the high-speed
5. Reaction time of brakes is reduced, it is possible to apply brakes partially
softly (short-time key press of S) and at small speeds.
6. Uphill it became more difficult to rise.
7. Sensitivity of a wheel depends on motion speed now. The more speed, the is
less sensitivity.
8. The turning angle of front wheels is increased. Now it is easier to park a
track with a load, to maneuver on narrow small streets in the cities and on
mountain roads.
Realistic Control For All Cars ETS2 (main) to set in modes the manager ove r
all trucks,
all following is set above on a priority.
Soft chassis Jazzycat trailers the Chassis of trailers Jazzycat with the
changed road clearance,
for players of Jazzycat which connected modes.
Changes in v1.35.1:
Adaptation in v1.35 and higher
 Live Report of PACK MODS REALISTIC ...
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