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This mod adds roads in Northern Germany and Denmark.
Features GerMap add-on:
in Denmark:
small town Tnder
Primaerroute 11 from Esbjerg to border
small texture changes around Esbjerg
Esbjerg extended
in Germany:
small town Husum (invisible)
city of Flensburg
B5 from border to Husum
B201 from Husum to Flensburg
rebuilt A7 from border to Schleswig, including exits 2 and 5
more than 200 kilometres of in-game-roads
7 unique loading screens
Game version 1.35 and Scandinavia, Italia and Baltic DLCs are required!
Not compatible with ProMods (its useless because ProMods already has these
roads), but should be compatible with all other add-on maps
 Live Report of GerMap Addon v1.0 (F...
Source Google Translate.
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