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Version 1.4 (1.35.x):
This update is focused on reworking the entire truck model.
Other reworks/options will be added too in the following updates.
-Added specific cabins (StreamSpace, BigSpace, GigaSpace) for rigid chassis;
-Reworked all cabins using new models;
-Added more UI icons for accessories;
-Added localization to cargoes on rigid chassis;
-Added support for GoodYear Paintjobs (DLC GOODYEAR NEEDED!);
-Added Mercedes-Benz catalogue Colors (25 at the moment more in the future);
-Added 4 types of stoneguards (paint and chrome);
-Added chrome ribs on front grill;
-Added lower front grill option (slots);
-Added new Mercedes front mudflaps;
-Added missing front grill and chassis shields (L, G, TIR, etc.);
-Added BlueTec6 badge on cabins as an accessory;
-Fixed wheel offset on front tyres (all chassis);
-Added air filter tube as an accessory (stock);
-Added air filter cap as an accessory (stock);
-Fixed front license plate locator on some chassis;
-Fixed missing container cargoes on 64 rigid chassis;
-Fixed trailer hookup problem on lowdeck Krone chassis;
-Added front cabin and chassis accessories missing on some parts;
-Changed internal names of accessories (front grill, front logo, front mask, etc);
-Added 2 variants of roof grill for GigaSpace cabin (paint and chrome);
-Added mirror slots with mirror frame (plastic and paint options);
-Separated full spoiler in 2 pieces;
-Added Side deflectors and Roof deflectors (6 types for each cabin plastic and paint);
-Added mirror holder (paint and plastic with slots for accessories);
-Cabin frame now known as Side Strip, 3 variants (plastic, paint, and full paint);
-Added front windshield frame (plastic and paint);
-Added front windshield middle glass slot for different accessories (plates);
-Added stock sunshield with chrome;
-Added painted sunshield with chrome;
-Fixed side and front mirrors (full paint and paint + plastic) with DX11 (Thanks @Sogard3);
-Separated side stripe on Krone Rigid chassis in 2 parts (left and right) select on
both sides of the truck;
-Added custom interior curtain;
-Added raised roof deflector (paint and plastic for cabins used on rigid chassis);
-Added 3 spokes Mercedes special steering wheel;
-Fixed usage of cabin side panels (from chassis switched to cabin);
-Fixed truck dealer truck missing accessories (UK and Europe);
-Changed truck dealer truck configuration (UK and Europe);
-Fixed quick job trucks missing accessories (UK and Europe);
-Added adblue tank missing on 42 (standard) chassis;
-Krone Load Carrier body moved slightly forward;
-And many other things and fixes.
Alexandru_Andrey Sogard3 ValheinXL SCS Software and all others who contributed in
this mod B787(tester) Schwedentrucker_09(skins/tester) ActrosMP3(tester)
Wippy (tester)
 Live Report of Mercedes Actros MP4 ...
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