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This mod change all trucks headlight color
some trucks xenon some of bi-xenon,old yellow lights
for example nextgen scania r and s have xenon,daf 95ati
ave yellow lights.
Supported trucks:
-All scs trucks.
-Old stralis,old actross,scania r,old volvo not xenon.
-daf 95 ati.
-Ford fmax.
-?veco 190-38
-Freightliner fld
-Cat ct660
-Kenworth k100 e by overloater
-Kraz 255
-Kraz 260
-Volvo f12
-Scania T
-Renault range T by vo?th
-Volvo vnl pack(bsa)
-Volvo fmx
-Scania 124l
-Man tgs
-Man tga
-Man f2000
-?veco euro series eurostar,eurotech
-Kamaz 5410
-Kenworth t610(GTM)
 Live Report of Realistic Headlight ...
Source Google Translate.
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