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Recently Uploaded Mods
Changes in 1.4
SCS Box Tandem
SCS Box Dolly
SCS Box C double
SCS Box D double
Lowbed moved from Teklic trailer brand to Schearzmuller
Lowbed single
Lowbed cargo (fix)<
SCS Box Tuning
SCS Box Cargo
SCS Box Icons
Lowbed Icons
Changes V 1.3.
Log 1ax dolly trailer
Conteiner dolly trailers
Conteiner C doubles
Conteiner D doubles
Flatbed 1ax dolly trailer
Flatbed dolly trailers
Flatbed C doubles
Flatbed D doubles
olly with SP whels
Flatbed B doubles (non rigids)
For this mod you need to have ETS2 v1.35 and does not require any dlc.
This mod make ridigd trailers from SCS models.
 Live Report of TRAILERS SCS RIGID...
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