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Mod combine the FM and FMX fixes since the trucks are virtually the same, it makes my life a whole
lot easier if there is only one mod with both trucks using the same base.
The mod includes:
4 Cabs
42 chassis
42 low deck chassis
62 chassis
64/4 midlift chassis
62 tag chassis
64 chassis
3 Cabs
42 chassis
44 chassis
62 pusher chassis
62 tag chassis
64 chassis
66 chassis
If you want to change the light box decal you will find a template in folder template. You need to
save in folder \vehicle\truck\upgrade\decals\volvo_fm\textures with the name textures_volvo_fm.dds
and default size is 20481024 for xhsl cab and globetrotter.dds for hslp cab!
 Live Report of VOLVO FM/FMX Combi P...
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