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The map requires DLC Going East, Scandinavia, France, Italy!
New update to v1.30 is created in collaboration with Mario Bogdanov and Marc25!
This map contains Europe and Africa European countries. Norway, Sweden, Finland, England, France, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy. African countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt & more
Updated for v1.30
50 new cities
2 new countries
New road textures in Africa
More gas stations
More trucks dealers
Fixed bugs
Added pyramids in Egypt
Including new weather mod
Installation: extract all 7 parts to mod folder.
Then activate all parts in game and start.
It may take a few minutes to load because the map is large.
 Live Report of MARIO MAP 1.30 MOD...
Source Google Translate.
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