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Map of Brazil EAA NORMAL v5.2 for Ets2 1.36.x game version
(Updated in 07.12.2019)
The most grandiose update of the map for 10 years of its existence in the game!
This version works only on Ets2 1.36.x game version
New Changelog in v5.2:
+10.000 Km of New roads:
Route 30 Peru Interoceanic Highway From Assis Brasil (Acre) to Nazca (Peru)
Route 3 Peru From Juliaca to Cusco
Route 11 Argentina From Assumption to Santa Fe
Route 12/14 Argentina From Zarate to Gualeguaychu
Route 2 Argentina From Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata
Route 228/3 Argentina From Mar del Plata to Bahia Blanca
Route 22/237/40 Argentina From Bahia Blanca to Bariloche
Route 5 Argentina From Buenos Aires to Santa Rosa 615 Km
Route 35/154 Argentina From Santa Rosa to Ruta 22 (La Adela)
Route 40/231/215 Argentina / Chile From Bariloche to Osorno
Route 5 Panamericana Sur Chile From Santiago to Quelon
Route 68 Chile From Santiago to Valparaiso
Route 152 Chile From Chillan to Concepcion
45 New Cities:
San Bernardo (Chile) Figurative City
Rancgua (Chile)
Curic (Chile)
Talca (Chile)
Linares (Chile)
Chillan (Chile)
Concepcion (Chile)
Los Angeles (Chile)
Temuco (Chile)
Osorno (Chile)
Puerto Montt (Chile)
Pargua (Chile)
Chacao (Chile) Figurative City
Ancud (Chile)
Castro (Chile)
Quellon (Chile)
Chivilcoy (Argentina)
Nueve de Julio (Argentina)
Trenque Lauquen (Argentina) Figurative City
Catril (Argentina)
Santa Rosa (Argentina)
Ataliva Roca (Argentina)
Peru (Argentina) Figurativa
Rio Colorado (Argentina) Figurative City
Choele Choel (Argentina)
General Roca (Argentina)
Neuquen (Argentina)
San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina)
Chascomus (Argentina)
Dolores (Argentina)
Las Armas (Argentina)
Coronel Vidal (Argentina)
Mar del Plata (Argentina)
Necochea (Argentina)
Tres Arroyos (Argentina)
Bahia Blanca (Argentina)
Gualeguaychu (Argentina)
Reconquista (Argentina)
Resistencia (Argentina)
Formosa (Argentina)
Clorinda (Argentina) Figurative City
Puerto Maldonado (Peru)
Marcapata (Peru) Figurative City
Cusco (Peru)
Puquio (Peru)
Revised and improved all the road of Rio Branco to Assis Brasil (No more Alpha road)
Revised and improved all the road of Santa Fe to Buenos Aires (No more Alpha road)
Revised and improved all the road from Buenos Aires to Mendoza (No more Alpha road)
Reduild all the road from Mendoza to Los Andes (New Caracoles Coast)
Added weigh station in Dutra highway near Resende (not functional yet)
Bus traffic inside the Rio de Janeiro Bus Station
Rebuild Buenos Aires city
Ferry linking Buenos Aires to Montevideo (Optional use, since in real life there is no
ferry for trucks)
Each South America countries with your licence plate
Hundreds of miscellaneous fixes
Tested on Ets2 game version.
Download links:
Map: https://sharemods.com/lth1ep6idv6y/MAPA_EAA_5_2_1.rar.html
Base: https://sharemods.com/wsgwp7t2oe31/MAPA_EAA_5_2_1_BASE.rar.html
 Live Report of Truck Map for Brazil...
Source Google Translate.
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