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This is a Cargo adaptation for the Menci_Cistern from MDmodding:
Non DLC version. DLC are not taken into account
It is currently in version 2.0BETA.
Currently integrated loads
Food: drinking water, cola, yoghurt, jelly, ketchup, milk, orange juice, olive oil
ADR: cyanide, acid, hot chemicals, nitrogen, chlorine, fluorine, chemicals, nitrocellulose,
hydrogen, hydrochloric acid, sodium hypochlorite, LPG, pesticides, arsenic, sodium, kerosene,
gasoline, diesel, acetylene, white phosphorus, sulfuric acid, oil, chemical sorbent , Drilling
acid, heating oil
Known bugs
1. A few dangling points (which so far have not affected the game) will be fixed as soon as
2. All loads are currently available at every loading point
 Live Report of Cargopack for Menci ...
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