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Changelog: v1.23
Made a compatibility version for Poland Rebuilding 2.4.1. In this version I merged
Poland Rebuilding with the newer junctions from Promods and my Junction overhaul mod
Changelog: v1.22
Bugfixes in Sweden and Poland
Changelog: v1.2
Compatibility Promods 2.43
Changelog: v1.1
Compatibility Promods 2.42
2 New junctions in Poland
This mod replaces some of the old SCS junctions that are not being touched by Promods
o r SCS on the most important transit routes. Why? Many of the important North-South or Eas
t-West routes are pretty nice, but do contain one or more very old part, ruining the
immersion, at least to me. Since Promods and SCS are working on other areas I didnt
want to wait any longer and tried the editor for myself. What I did was using Promods or
SCS newer junctions to replace those old junctions, so all credits goes to Promods and
When Promods or SCS will rebuild this areas I will, of course, remove those sectors
from the mod as my work is not according to real life, its just more descent then it is now.
 Live Report of JUNCTION OVERHAUL 1....
Source Google Translate.
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