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Interior Lights for all SCS Trucks (SP & MP) 1.36.x




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Interior Lights for all SCS Trucks (SP & MP) 1.36.x

Hello, you can add interior lighting to your truck with this mods.

Author(Credit): @mexiumut
Supported Version: 1.36.x and higher
NOTE: Ignore all warnings and force the game to continue.
NOTE2: Actros Tuning Pack, Mighty Griffin Pack and XF Tuning Pack is required.

-Download the file below.
-After that, move the SCS files to My Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > mod.
-Run Euro Truck Simulator 2 (SP) via Steam.
-On the profile selection screen, click Mods Manager.
-Double click on the Tum Cekicilerde isik Panosunu Kullanma Modu
-Click the Submit Changes button.
-Log in to your profile.
-Go to Service
-In the main menu click exit.
-Close it SP and switch to MP.
-Click the Continue button.
-Log in Multiplayer and select your profile, If he says anything to you Continue button click.

Merhaba, Bu mod Actros Tuning Pack, Mighty Griffin Tuning Pack ve XF Tuning Pack paketlerinde olan
???k panolar?n? di?er tm ekicilerde kullanman?z? sa?lar.

Yap?mc?: @mexiumut
Desteklenen Srm: 1.36.x ve st
NOT: Profilinizi yklerken gelen uyar?lar? yok say?n ve devam edin.
NOT2: Actros Tuning Pack, Mighty Griffin Pack ve XF Tuning Pack gereklidir.

-Yukar?daki adresten modu indirin.
-?ndirmi? oldu?unuz .scs dosyas?n? Belgeler > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > Mod klasrnn iine
-Steam zerinden Euro Truck Simulator 2 (SP) ba?lat?n.
-Profil seme ekran?ndan Mod Yneticisine t?klay?n.
-Tm ekiciler ?in I??k Panosu moduna ift t?klay?n ve modu aktifle?tirin.
-De?i?iklikleri Onayla butonuna t?klay?n.
-Profilinize girin, Servise gidin ve paralar blmnden istedi?iniz ???k panosunu tak?n.
-SP kapat?p MP gein.
-MPa girdikten sonra kar??n?za bir uyar? gelirse Devam Et butonuna t?klay?n.

CREDITS: mexiumut


GAME: Euro Truck Simulator 2
CATEGORY: Parts & Tuning
DATE: 2020-03-27 00:00:00

Downloads: 64
SIZE: 103 KB



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यदि आपको इस वेबसाइट पर कोई भी चोरी / नकली मोड मिल रहा है, तो कृपया लाल रंग में रिपोर्ट बटन का उपयोग करें। हम जल्द से जल्द कार्रवाई करेंगे।

ഈ വെബ്സൈറ്റിൽ മോഷ്ടിച്ച / വ്യാജ മോഡുകൾ കണ്ടെത്തിയാൽ, ചുവപ്പ് നിറത്തിലുള്ള റിപ്പോർട്ട് ബട്ടൺ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക. ഞങ്ങൾ എത്രയും വേഗം നടപടിയെടുക്കും.

இந்த இணையதளத்தில் ஏதேனும் திருடப்பட்ட / போலி மோட் இருப்பதைக் கண்டால், தயவுசெய்து சிவப்பு நிறத்தில் அறிக்கை பொத்தானைப் பயன்படுத்தவும். விரைவில் நடவடிக்கை எடுப்போம்.

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Source Google Translate.



How to download Mod(Video reference)>>


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