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Physics by GAARAA for 1.38
Version 2
This pack contains
Intense_Physics_by_GAARAA_KB_1.38.scs mod (Keyboard)
Intense_Physics_by_GAARAA_SW_1.38.scs mod (Steering Wheel)
Old_Truck_Physics_by_GAARAA_KB_1.38.scs mod (Keyboard)
Old_Truck_Physics_by_GAARAA_SW_1.38.scs mod (Steering Wheel)
Realistic_Physics_by_GAARAA_KB_1.38.scs mod (Keyboard)
Realistic_Physics_by_GAARAA_SW_1.38.scs mod (Steering Wheel)
Use any one of the mods.
Feel the difference.
* Intense_Physics_by_GAARAA is on a softer side. (ON USER REQUEST)
* Old_Truck_Physics_by_GAARAA is a nightmare below 60kmph with a medium heavy cargo.
* Braking intensity must be at 50%. (centre)
* Truck stability must be maximum. (entirely to the right)
* Trailer stability must be minimum. (entirely to the left)
* Suspension stiffness must be 50%. (centre)
* Cabin suspension stiffness must be maximum. (entirely to the right)
The Old_Truck_Physics_by_GAARAA & the Intense_Physics_by_GAARAA are Fun and Adventurous mods.
Just take it as an amusement & Enjoy.
Respect the original link.
 Live Report of Physics by GAARAA fo...
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