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Recently Uploaded Mods
Whats in our vehicle?
Door, Driver window, Ceiling Glass animation
21 pieces of the ski-Turkeys yl
-Skin support
-Real engine sound adapted with Fmod
-3 engine options
Ceiling lighting
-Modified options
-Self special alcoa rim
-Complete ao thrown
-The coating is not used, each part is drawn in 3D exactly
-CNG (gas) option available
Editing and editing is strictly prohibited! If it is broken and edited, legal action
will be initiated.
Model : Can Skmn
Convert & Edit : Polat Y?ld?ran
Dzenlemeler : Burak Y?lmaz & Comodore(Alperen39)
Baz? Paralar : Mehmet Y?ld?r
Skin&Logo : Abdullah Zengin & Yusuf Temel
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