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IDEALE 770 VW 4X2 [V 1.40.X]:
Own panel
-Fmod sounds
-Tested and approved in version 1.39.x and 1.40.x
-Less lag
More realistic sound
-Animations in the cabin how to open and close the drivers window
HD Interior Screen
-Mod author: Luciano Blecha
Sound adaptation: Canal Rdha Games
-In Versions 1.39, 1.40, Buy MX-13 Engine, DAF STORE or MODs STORE.
-For ATS and ETS2
-Tested and approved by our team, responsibility is the author of the mod
-Author: Luciano Blecha and Canal Rdha Games
Dealer: DAF or Mod Shop (ETS2) and Mod Shop (ATS)
-Versions: 1.39.x and 1.40.x (Not tested in other versions)
 Live Report of VW Ideale 770 42 fo...
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