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In the package 380 skins and 75 cargoes in 164 companies,
located on the default map and all official DLC.
The mod adds 6 types of default trailers from previous versions of the game:
Fuel, Coolliner, Fridge, Profiliner, Container and Schmitz Universal,
as well a trailer from Rommi TZ Schmitz S.KO Express.
All trailers and skins included in the traffic.
The package is adapted for patch 1.33.
Version changes:
1. Added company DLC Beyond the Baltic Sea.
2. Added mats that are missing in version 1.33.
3. Cargo names are translated into English.
4. Updated some trailer skins.
For the Russian version, you will need to download and connect the Russificator of cargoes,
setting it above the mod itself in the Mod Manager
Author skins and build: Omenman
Trailer authors: SCS, Rommi
Many thanks to vovangt4 for helping me update my packages!
 Live Report of Trailer Pack by Omen...
Source Google Translate.
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