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SCANIA Parts Mod V1.9
t is not allowed to offer the mod on other file hosts for download !!!
3D Models:
Vabis Goblet by Michas Custom
Griffin by Michas Custom
Sunshield by Tuning-Wolf.de
RearMudflap by Tuning-Wolf.de
RearBumper by Tuning-Wolf.de
Sideskirt by Tuning-Wolf.de
SCANIA Cap Red by Tuning-Wolf.de
V8 Tropy by Tuning-Wolf.de
Lightfix Bullbar Nordic by Capelle
Pictures by Trucker-Fee
Skins (paintwork)
If you use SCS or your own Skin, you must enter the new parts in the SII definition files of the skins !!!
Here is the list of components:
Sideskirt : acc_list[]: sideskirt.4x2_p_osl
Stoneguard : acc_list[]: s_guard.3dw_sg01
Stoneguard V8: acc_list[]: s_guard.3dw_sg02
Sunshield : acc_list[]: sunshld.shld_3dw_01 #[red]Bottom of acc_list[]: sunshld.sunshld_06
RearBumper : acc_list[]: r_bumper.3dw_rb_01 #[red]Bottom of acc_list[]: r_bumper.stock_p
 Live Report of SCANIA PARTS MOD V1....
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