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Find in Volvo
3 cabins;
6 chassis;
16 engines
10 transmissions;
4 interiors;
Accessories in the cab;
Its sounds.
New Changes in 2.20:
-Dealer registration files and agency orders fixed to ensure compatibility
with other mods
-Improved lights at the rear of the cab
-Chromed air intake is removable
-Part of the bumper has become removable
-Added paint and plastic options for the bumper
Changes in 2.19:
-Updated engines and gearboxes
-New Cummins X15 soun
-Removable kenguryatnik
-Removable grill
-Added paint and plastic options for kenguryatnik
-Added paint and plastic options for the front grille
-You need to buy a checkpoint and a kenguryatnik again
Changes in 2.18:
-Adaptation for 1.35
-Error correction
Changelog v2.17:
-Added Realistic Headlight Beam Pattern by hastantyo
-Changed location on the template for Flow below parts
-Improved the look of blinker indicators on mirrors
-Added collision boxes for main mirrors
-Added collision boxes for hood mirrors
-Added collision boxes for bullbars
-Adjusted mirror locators for even view
-Improved the logo on the steering wheel
-Improved startup animation
-Updated shift points
Authors: SCS, franck_peru, yekko-yek
Update: galimim
Adaptation in ETS2
: modsets
Tested on 1.35.x game version
 Live Report of Volvo VNL 2019 v2.20...
Source Google Translate.
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